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Dress For Success Clothing Drive

Help Addair Law Make a Difference

Clothing Drive Flyer

We invite you to participate in the “Dress for Success” clothing drive created by Addair Law summer interns. This drive will take place from July 25th through July 29th 2022, and this clothing will be donated to the K-State Career Closet for students in need of dress clothing.

Donating old suits to the K-State Career Closet gives K-State students in need of dress clothes the ability to receive quality clothing at no cost for activities such as interviews and other professional events. We thought this would be a great way to give back and wanted to include the local law community. Below is a list of items that the K-State Career Closet suggests for donations:

  • Men’s and women’s suits
  • Blouses and shirts
  • Men’s and women’s dress pants
  • Belts, ties, accessories
  • Gently worn shoes

The Career Center asks that clothes are cleaned before donation and be of good to excellent quality. Additionally, they ask that they have been purchased within the last five years/current with fashion.

Feel free to drop any donations at the Addair Law Office at 1600 Poyntz in Manhattan. If you want us to pick up your donations, please email or call (785) 645-2732 and ask for Sam or Hayden. We would be happy to stop by!

As legal community members, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to give back to those who need it most. We are grateful for your support of this drive to provide opportunities for K-State students who may not otherwise have the chance to pursue.

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