Manhattan Traffic Lawyer
Many people tend to take traffic offense lightly compared to other criminal offenses. However, even a traffic ticket can result in the loss of a driver license, high fines, and other criminal penalties. Other types of traffic offenses may result in more severe penalties, including the possibility of time in jail. No matter the specific charge you face, you are entitled to legal representation at every hearing.
An experienced Manhattan traffic lawyer could represent your interests in court and protect your rights. By working with a skilled defense attorney, you could improve your chances of a successful defense.
Common Traffic Offenses in Kansas
Traffic tickets are not uncommon. Many people will get one to a few tickets for speeding in their lives, with most simply paying the fine and moving on. However, few recognize that by paying the fine they are pleading guilty to the accusations against them. Depending on the facts of the defendant’s case, a traffic offense could make the difference between whether or not they have a driver’s license or spend time in jail.
While most speeding offenses simply result in a ticket, especially high speeds can result in additional penalties. Multiple speeding offenses may also result in the loss of their license. If a defendant in Manhattan needs to fight back against an unfair speeding ticket, a knowledgeable legal defense may be able to help avoid these issues.
Other types of traffic offenses also exist and may result in a license suspension, license revocation, high fines, or even jail time. These include, but are not limited to:
- Reckless Driving
- Operating a Vehicle without Insurance
- Seatbelt Violations
- Improper Turns or Passing
- Driving on A Suspended or Revoked License
- Open Container Violations
A legal defense may provide a way to dismiss the charges against the defendant or could result in a reduction of the potential penalties they face.
What are the Potential Penalties for a Traffic Violation?
In addition to potential jail time and fines, there are additional consequences that may apply to a traffic violation. The loss of a defendant’s driver’s license, even temporarily, can make it difficult to get to work or school. This mean relying on others or public transportation to get around. In some cases, it could result in the loss of the defendant’s employment.
Certain traffic offenses and DUI’s can result in a requirement that the defendant carry special high-risk automobile insurance. This insurance is incredibly expensive and will likely be required for a substantial period of time. To avoid these and other collateral consequences, it is important to have a qualified local attorney review the traffic violation case for possible defensive strategies.

Consult a Traffic Attorney in Manhattan
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, traffic offenses can be defended in court. Law enforcement officers that wrote the tickets or prepared the reports can be interviewed before a trial and on the stand to dispute their version of events.
If you face traffic charges in Manhattan or the surrounding area, you need a strong legal defense to protect your rights. A seasoned Manhattan traffic lawyer could analyze your case and help you build a strong defense.
Contact us online or call (785) 645-2732 today for help.

“Seth Brackman’s expertise and dedication make him a top choice for legal defense. Professional, talented, and ready to fight for your case.”Cole M.
“Mr. Addair and Mr. Logan provided exceptional service, prioritizing my goals and achieving the best outcome. Truly a law firm that takes pride in their work!”Veronika B.
“Seth and Bella worked wonders, securing a DUI diversion agreement and dismissing my hearing. Worth every penny—highly recommend Addair Law!”Josh B.
“Mr. Brackman and the Addair Law team provided expert, compassionate representation, ensuring justice and peace of mind. Highly recommended for outstanding legal service.”Anonymous

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