There are numerous controlled substances regulated by both state and federal law. The possession, sale, or manufacture of these substances can carry lengthy prison terms and other serious consequences. With the help of a driven defense attorney, it could be possible to obtain a dismissal of the charges against you.
Before you attempt to defend these charges on your own, you could benefit from first speaking with an experienced legal professional. A Junction City drug lawyer could provide you with the legal counsel needed to help you beat these charges.
Just like the federal government, the state government also classifies each controlled substance into one of five “schedules.” These schedules are categories that are primarily based on how dangerous each drug is. Schedule I includes the most dangerous substances, while Schedule V has the least dangerous drugs. Substances are sorted into these schedules based on both the probability of abuse as well as the existence of any medical benefits. Highly addictive substances without any common medical benefits are more likely to be classified at the higher end of the schedules.
The most common drug-related crime is drug possession. It is illegal to possess any controlled substance without some form of authorization. The penalties for this offense vary depending on what schedule of drug is involved. While possession of a schedule V drug could be treated as a misdemeanor in some cases, other substances will lead to felony charges. It is also illegal to possess drug precursors, which are the materials used to make controlled substances. A Junction City lawyer could also defend against charges of drug manufacturing or trafficking.
There are many facets to a drug possession prosecution. From negotiating plea bargains to preparing for trial, the work of fighting back against an illicit substance crime prosecution requires experience and skill. There are many ways a Junction City attorney could assist with a drug crime case.
Every defense should begin with a thorough investigation. An attorney could not only review the evidence the state intends to rely on but also perform an independent investigation into the allegations. In many cases, an attorney’s investigation could uncover the basis for a successful defense.
Once the investigation is complete, an attorney could also review the collected information and develop the strongest defense strategy possible. These defense strategies are tailored to the facts of a specific case. Some common defenses include lack of intent, mistaken identity, unlawful search and seizure, and lack of evidence.
The role of an attorney is especially important in cases where the evidence of guilt is strong. In these cases, an attorney could work to negotiate a reasonable plea bargain. If a conviction occurs at trial, an attorney could also seek a lenient sentence from the judge.
If you are facing drug charges, you are likely to experience pressure from the prosecutor or the police to plead guilty. While these individuals are likely to make it seem like the case against you is unbeatable, the reality is that drug cases are often defensible.
Before you consider a plea offer, let a Junction City drug lawyer review your case. Call immediately to start developing your defense strategy.